Feb 15, 2006 08:42
Happy late Valentines Day*<3
aww..ii l0ve my b/f s0 much * he is the sweetest pers0n ever=)For valentines day he g0t me cl0thes and and necklace and earrings;) He let me pick them 0ut and we g0t a cell ph0ne* [[219-4398]] He stayed h0me fr0m w0rk t0day because he hurt his back but it was nice spending the day w/mii baby-I als0 had a d0ct0rs app t0day and he g0t t0 g0 t0 it..everything is go0d the d0c said that i am n0w 33 weeks and her heartbeat and everything is great=) Im s0 excited ab0ut my baby sh0wer saTurday .. i just h0pe peo0ple sh0w up because i have been waiting f0r saturday t0 c0me f0r a l0ng time it seems like!!S0 n0 0ne f0rget please;)We have everything f0r it but kati still has t0 get prizes and the stuff f0r my games.. m0m put her in charge 0f them and maRy j0 is getting the cake fr0m the w0man that makes all 0f macies birthday cakes* i like them s0 im sure that i will l0ve my cake-Every0ne has just been s0 helpful, brand0n and ii came d0wn t0 halie and chris's h0use s0 i figured i w0uld update .. i never have time t0 update when im at my h0use because im usually n0t there very l0ng and when i am i am working 0n papers f0r c0llege. Speaking 0f c0llege i d0nt have class in the m0rning 0r 0n frIday=) My english teacher t0ld me t0 h0ld the baby in f0r 3 m0re weeks and have her 0n his birthday, yeah right*i w0nt be g0ing 0ver three weeks*but im g0nna g0 in here because ge0rgia is in halies ro0m and im sure that she is bugging the hell 0utta her;)
leave me s0me c0mments*
<3 i l0ve y0u s0o much bLs