Jan 26, 2006 14:35
Answer these questi0ns using `s0ng lyrics only.* ;)
1. Are you male or female: what is it,m0st usw0man just go0d at what we d0
2. Describe yourself: Everything that y0u need, i g0t right here babii*
3. How do some people feel about you: wh0a0o...amber is the c0l0r 0f y0ur energii*
4. How do you feel about yourself:Lo Lo Lo Lo VE....LO LO LO LO VE
5. Describe your ex boyfriend / girlfriend: Im to0 fly f0r this shit.. I aint lo0kin at y0u n0 m0re im lo0kin past y0u-
6. Describe current boyfriend / girlfriend: It's amazing how you knowck me off mii feet, everytime y0u c0me ar0und me I get weak, N0b0dy ever made me feel this way..y0u kiss my lips and then y0u take my breathe away![[babii y0ur my destiny, y0u and ii were meant t0 be..w/ all my heart and s0ul]]
7. Describe where you want to be: Ge0rgia, Ge0rgia...
8. Describe how you live: Just be real, Ill take y0u t0 paradise=)
9. Describe how you love: Have y0u ever l0ved s0me0ne s0 much y0u'd give an arm f0r..
10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:life g0es 0n
11. Share a few words of Wisdom: d0n't mess with my man..Ima be the 0ne t0 break it t0 ya.. Here's a little advice f0r y0u, find y0ur 0WN man
12. Now say goodbye: go0dbye t0 y0u *
<3 u s0 much brand0n;) [[c0mments]]