Dec 21, 2005 02:29
hmm well its been awhile.. i have been s0 busy gettin all my christmas sh0ppin d0ne* but im finally d0ne=) I g0t all 0f brand0ns d0ne finally-I actually g0t him m0re than i planned 0n but its allright i l0ve him* I already n0 tw0 things he g0t me;) but i d0nt think he really kn0ws what i g0t him*Leann and i are g0in t0mar sh0ppin t0 get the rest of hers d0ne i think=) I wanna get my nails d0ne soon too. I just havent had time* Im g0nna get my toes done before i have the baby haha aww..I already know that i get like 3o0 d0llars fr0m dad..because he gives me whatever he spends on my brother and my m0m and jeff im sure i got a vide0 camera (cr0ss fingers) 0h i passed my zo0l0gy exam!!Which wasnt hard but it was 200 questions=| I g0 back t0 the d0ct0r 0n the 11 of january//And i start my birthing classes February sec0nd*=)Im g0nna g0 0n t0 brand0ns and see him (muah)