(no subject)

Apr 18, 2005 17:29


so on friday i drove up to this retreat that i was going to with some kids from youth group and. twas a very entertaining car ride, i carpooled with vicker and lizzer and this guy charlie and vickers mom drove us up and when we were on the highway vicker saw and pointed out a car with a lisence plate that said M-Weeze as in... "why you gotta play me like that? E-weezy!!!" from Be Cool... oh good lord LoL... fun stuff. so we drove in the car and then when we got to Lydia house (which was where we were staying) two guys (Chris and Spencer) were already waiting there and we looked around the house for a few minutes and then we went outside and Chris and Spencer went down this hill and got "lost" and vicker was being like a mother hen and it was adorable and i was just sitting around playing my guitar and lizzy was galavanting around and being crazy which was funny. So this new guy Charlie, he was really fun and really cool... pretty hot too, but he's only fun as a flirt buddy haha. Me and Vicker were trying to convice him that he has to start coming to youth group, which he'd better because that'd be really fun. so we just hung out till Cailin and Cameron and Deandra got to Lydia house and then when they did we all went inside and chilled and got orientated or whatever and then we ate cake cause it was Chris's birthday and then we went to sleep after a bed time story.


on saturday i woke up at 7 by accident and i had like hella energy so me and Cailin and Deandra went and woke up the boys and they were hella mad but it was fun anyways. then we went and ate breakfast and after that we talked about prayer and stuff cause it was like a religious retreat even though half the time i felt like i was at fucking arts and crafts camp. haha i taught Charlie how to make a lanyard and then when he finished it he gave it to Vicker (awwww how sweet!) so i like hella just fastforwarded through the day but wutever. so we like hung out and talked about prayer and made lanyards and i made a hat and then charlie made a pillow and then we did this thing that had to do with the three kings and that was hella funny cause the kings were Cameron, Spencer and Charlie and Spence was the only one that actually looked normalish... Lizzer and Cailin made Cameron a transvestite King and me and Deandra made Charlie a king with like hella chest-hair. we tried to give him a walrus beard but it fell off :'(  we also played sardines like 500000000000 times that day and everytime me and vicker hid no one could find us for like 400000000000000000000000000 hours... we totally SCHOOLED them all!!!


on sunday the boys came in to get revenge and wake us up but they had to try and wake me up like 5 times cause i was so fucking tired cause me and vicker stayed up till like 2 in the morning talking just about stuff, twas verr verr noice. so i finally got up but was still too fucking tired to function normally so breakfast was yum and then after breakfast we talked more about God like stuff and then we just did like more arts and crafts and i finished the scarf i was knitting and now i can start making my own self scarves again!!! woohoo!!! if anyone actually gets this far into my entry and would like for me to knit them copy the application i'm going to put in the bottom of this entry and post it as a comment with what you'd like! so yeah blah blah blah then we did like an ending ceremony and then we played one round of hide and seek and then we tried to get onto the roof but we got yelled at and then we got all our stuff and loaded ourselves into the cars we were carpooling home in and left *tears of complete and utter sadness* i carpooled back with the same group just in Lizzers mom's car. on the way home we went to In-and-Out burger which was verr verr fun!!! w00tw00t. then i got left at home, tried to do homework, fell asleep, went to see one of my favorite opera singers in concert, went home, watched the movie 'Being Julia' and then fell fast asleep.

the end




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