Oct 15, 2006 21:43
had to change the ol' screen name, forgot my password and really couldn't do a thing. so: l meggles l is the new one. abuse it. i'm pretty much always on. unless i'm not.
today was a fabulous day. i was in a great mood and got to work with my friends. we cleaned out the greenhouse and rearranged everything. exciting, i know. i can't start cutting back my perennials until way later. even more exciting to you, i know this too. but we had the radio blasting and i was feeling so good that every single song that came on sounded amazing--even songs i generally don't like. it was a weird feeling. but a good one, too. can't say what cause it, possibly just the change in seasons. it's such a cozy, romantic time i just fall in love with everything. plus, i had a really good weekend, probably the best of this entire year (this is not an exaggeration. i've had a strange year), and obviously that would affect my mood. anyway. be well, folks.