(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 09:32

Been on a train// yes

Been on a plane// um ya

Been in a car accident// yess

Caused a car accident// my mommy did


Been high//no

Gotten drunk//just a few sips

Broken the law// hmmmm.

Kissed someone of the opposite sex// yes

Kissed someone of the same sex// my mommy

Gotten engaged// to a boy in preschool...never lasted

Been rejected by a crush// unfortunately....yes

Loved// yes

Cried in public// of course

Cried over a movie// i am very emotional

Fallen asleep in a movie theater// yes i do it all the time

Given someone a bath// my doggy!

Bungee jumped// almost

Skied// skiing is my nitch

Met a celebrity// alot

Met the president// all i can say is that if i ever did meet him i would go to jail

Gotten a cavity// nope

Make a prank call// yesss "hello pizza hut?" c'mon we all have done it.

Ditched school// no

Climbed a tree// me and my monkey self

Broken a bone// yess a lot of them

Sprained anything// yess (my finger and toe)

Passed out// three times

Been to Disney World// no .... i need a visit to the happiest place on earth

Said I love you and meant it (not to a relative)// yes

Found a four leaf clover// no


Memory you miss the most// trampoline

Something you regretted after it was done// hmm.


What are you wearing// pj's and a tank top

Anyone on your mind// yess

What are you scared of most// death


Occupation// a designer or something artsey

Marriage site// moon

Honeymoon// london

Wife/Husband// well i hope that i get married.

Place to live// i dunno.... right now i am a california gurl

Kids(how many)// 2 (one boy and one girl)

Car// 1965 mustang convertable..... yusss vintage


Heaven// yes

Hell// yes

Angels// yes

Devil// yes

God// god is this a confermation service

Ghosts// yes

Soulmates// yes

Aliens// yes

Reincarnation// yes

Luck// umm sorta

Love at first sight// yes maam

Love in general// cha

Yourself // umm sure.

do you have a crush// uh huh and i wish i could see him RigHT now

Who was your real first crush// in 4rd grade

How old were you// 10 i think...

Do you have any crushes now// yess

If so who// umm most of you kno

A celebrity crush// fez from that 70's show

If you could go on a date with anyone who would it be// hmmm.

On a scale from one to ten, how romantic are you// 7

First thing noticed about opposite sex// eyes. hair. attitude.

What do you look for personality wise// ummmm. funny. talkative. positive. someone who can make me laugh.

Biggest turn on// uhhhhhh.....lemme think

Biggest turn off//

Something they wear that turns you on// dickies

The most romantic thing you want to happen// kiss under the stars

Is it right to flirt if you are taken// under certain circumstances ....... but if the guy actually means something to me then i wont flirt...

Do you have a B/f or G/f// i will soon!

Whats their name// &%$@


Your dream date// i dunno....


Coke/pepsi// COCA COLA BABE

7up/sprite// sPrItE

Boxers/briefs// boxers....happy faces! lol

Thongs/Regular// i wear both

Gold/silver// silver cause i'm cool like that

Vanilla/chocolate// chocolate is more satisfying

Candy/flowers// flowers.... cause they smell good!

Book/magazine// magazine

Tv/radio// T to the V
Democrat/republican// DEMOCRAT>>>>> I disLIKE FREAKIN BUSH!!!

Coffee/tea// tea

Sun/moon// moon cause thatz where i want to get married

Day/night// night cause it's sexxi!

Hot/cold// HOT

Dog/cat// dog (i have 2)

Long distant relationship/none// i heard that they work because my friend has been in a long distance relation and they have almost been going out for a year.

Waffles/pancakes// chocolate chip PANCAKES!

Letter/email// letters.... more romantic

Football/baseball// football. i am the best tackler around YO.... not

Movie at home/movie in theater// theater unless we are away from the parents at home.

Love/lust// love

Romantic comedy/scary movie// scary movies...


Yellow// flower

Greenland// icy

Iceland// greeen

Sex// bed

Bill Clinton// PLAYA

Red// blood

Whipped cream// for-play

Lollipops//// SAAA WEET

love// hearts

Thong// butt

Death// dog (raggs)

Diary// go ask alice

ARE YOU .. ?

Happy// yea.

Sad// not really.

Religious// not really (at the moment)

Bitchy// only when i'm PMSing

Crazy// sometimes am

Messy// yea

Mad// no

Selfish// sometimes (and i regret it)

Violent// no i am a cuddly teddy bear

Calm// yea

Caring// yea

Loyal// YESS!

Artistic// my specialty

Athletic// yea

Aggressive// no

Feisty// sometimes


Do you shave// yea

Where// legs and under armz

What are the last four digits of your cell number// 1167

How long does it take you to shower// 15 mins

Who do you trust the most// i dont trust any particular person the MOST.

What is something you can`t live without// my friends

What do you think about death// dont wanna talk about it

How do you react to change// depends>>

What do you always think about// umm not saying.

Best thing anyone has ever told you// i love you

What would you change your name to// chloe

If you were stuck on an island... // get drunk....make a raft out of turtles.......and float away

Who would you want to be with you// FRIENDS

What three things would you want with you// cellfone....computer.......a boyfriend.
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