Oct 13, 2004 19:52
hey pimp juices.
what up? nothing much here. just litsening
to music.
i gotta find a ride home tomorrow since i quit
drill team.. hopefully klay will.. i gotta wear
the retarded uniform too... ughh.. at least next week
[spirit week] i dnt have to wear it.. YAY!!
but chyeah. this morning i woke up like an hour
late so i got to miss like an hour and 15 minutes...
of 1st block or something. and then umm.. after
school it was pouring so i got soaked and as soon
as i get home my power goes out. and then i go
to sonics to get food and find out i forgot my
money. but i met up with nick, ted, and steven there
and we chilled and stuff. and then we went to teds and
nick hadda go cause he found out that his mom found
out that he skipped GSA.. so.. i hope he didnt get
into but so much trouble..>.<
blah. today sounds like it was bad. but it
wasnt that bad.. i've had worse..
lol. my mom and i are finally gona talk to my
guidance counsuler about my stupid english
teacher and about the PSAT's.. i forgot to turn in
my slip......................-_-
yuuup. ok i thnk thats all i wanted to write about.
ok bye