Jan 24, 2007 19:53
In spanish, only the first letter of the first word of a title is capitalized, unless a location or the name of a person also appears in the title. For example:
El sistema de salud de la Republica Dominicana
El caballero Don Quijote de la Mancha
I'm not really sure if that's the name of the book, but it gets the point across.
I realized today that the point of apologizing isn't actually meaning that you're sorry but instead appeasing someone you've wronged. People don't really care if you're sorry you've done something to them, just as long as they hear you say you are. It seems like a pretty ignorant way of getting by, but then I guess it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise. It does, however, conflict with my belief that we're all very self-serving. I mean I still believe that we only do things if we can benefit from them (yes, all things), but I at least gave people the benefit of the doubt and believed that the benefit had to be derived from some actual change in one's surroundings, particularly a change in other people. This ends up being a pretty manipulative way of gaining satisfaction in many different cases--you act nice on a date in the hopes of getting some, you kiss up to your teacher so you can get away with lying about a late project later--but it also seems like it should be the natural progression of things when someone has wronged you. They should feel sorry, whether or not they do is another question. But the problem arises when a wronged person makes the other feel sorry, or even worse, even sorrier than the person already felt. That's when people start to get manipulative; people should feel sorry on their own terms. If you let a person think a situation over, they'll realize eventually that they should be sorry, and they'll apologize. But saying "apologize now, and mean it" is not only a very unfulfilling way of being apologized to, it's also an action that warrants an apology of its own. So I guess what it comes down to is that people don't just like gaining satisfaction from others; because if they did people would apologize on their own terms. No, what people really love is gaining satisfaction from others but not letting others gain satisfaction from them. Being the alpha-human. It makes sense when you think of how all the advancements in human civilization since the beginning have been purely cosmetic.
Eh I need to do math homework.