Feb 28, 2007 00:14
So it looks like I won't be sleeping tonight, due to my own idiocy.
But I am not going to dread it.
And I am not going to dread tomorrow, but rather, look at it as an oppurtunity to sleep through hump day,
and get it over with.
I was about to say that I feel bad for feeling so happy right now
but I stopped myself
and realized
should I really be wanting to feel miserable?
I took a run today, and took my dad's tiny lil baby infant ipod nano with me.
He has a small collection on it thus far
so I ended up running to Bob Dylan.
Twas interesting.
But it felt great to not stand in one place
and I realized I should not EVER stop myself from moving forward.
Conviction and instinct and gut and balls, lady.
Use em or lose em.
So here's to being eloquent and sarcastic at 12:19 in the a.m.
And enjoying a triste with your ipod and a quick shower
then starting a paper.
Here, here.