
Apr 22, 2005 16:22

to whom it may concern:
this was my journal for when i wasnt in my room. i keep one next to my bed i write in randomly when i get the urge too. but when i got the urge to write and i was dowstairs[and lazy] i wrote here. it is basically your stereotypical 16 year old journal. just typed rather then wrote. if anyone were to read it they would probably throw up on account of the horrible grammar and my all around stupidity. just let it be known: i am dumb. but also, i dotn really hate life. just things that happen in life. i think i may have hated life at the time. but with good reason i guess. i was in a down time which crashed after a friend died. this journal is pretty much me talking about him and how much i miss him but also me talking about boys. like i said, stereotypical 16 year old journal. please do not take anything you read in here seriously. actually, just avoid reading it all together.
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