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sky_queen November 19 2009, 19:35:11 UTC
Unfortunately a lot of declawed cats have this issue. Mine did (my parents decided to have her declawed despite everything I told them). What may really help is to confine him to a room with his food and litter box for a while until he is reliably using it, then gradually give him more freedom, let him out for longer and longer periods of time. Also make sure you clean anywhere he's relieved with an enzyme cleaner, otherwise he will smell that he's gone there before and think it is an appropriate place to go again. He may also be stressed, there is a product called feeliway (sp?) that you can plug into the wall or spray and it releases a scent that calms the cat. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions; my cat doesn't have this issue anymore but it took a lot of work and we tried a lot of things so it can be solved, I know how frustrating it is though.:(


sky_queen November 19 2009, 19:38:27 UTC
Edit: This is of course if a medical issue has been ruled out by the vet. Perhaps his bladder infection hasn't completely been cleared up, or there is some other medical issue.


____hejira November 19 2009, 23:45:54 UTC
Thanks! He is using his litter box...just not exclusively. He goes in there all the time and kicks about the litter. Hmm. We just got some of the spray you mentioned, so will try it. He's going to the vet tomorrow. He's been very cuddly today, so my guess is he doesn't feel too good. Poor kitty. He's got lots of personality, and i'm not normally a cat person, so if I like him, he's really neat. He seems to even be getting on with the dogs ok. Again, thanks for the advice. Completely winging it on this one.


sky_queen November 20 2009, 01:39:55 UTC
That was my cat too. Would mostly use her litter box, but sometimes she'd decide otherwise. Making her use it exclusively for a bit (small room, no other options like nice comfy beds or couches) really helped. Glad you got the spray and best of luck, he sounds like a lovely cat.


mendedbutterfly November 20 2009, 12:15:58 UTC
Everyone has already given all the advice that I would have, but...

Also, sometimes kitties who have chronic urinary issues have to be put on special food; something to ask your vet about anyway.

But yeah, a lot of times going outside of the litter box is how kitties tell us that they aren't feeling well, so my guess is that her infection is still there.

Good luck. Poor kitty and poor you. I hope kitty starts feeling better soon.


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