Sep 03, 2008 16:34
for those who don't know, due to hurricane gustav, i had to evacuate, and chaz had to shelter at school. there were no hotels available within like 300 miles, so i ended up having to go all the way to atlanta, georgia! i didn't leave until sunday afternoon, and the hurricane hit early monday morning. i left at 100pm and didnt get there until midnight! it was an 11 hour drive to atlanta, and really wore chico and i out. the hotel was really nice, and i really enjoyed it. chico was very shaken up about all of it, but he's fine now that he is home. i just returned yesterday, and thankfully it was only about a 7 hour drive back, with like 5 stops in between! we made great time. i actually went with chaz's old roommates family. she and i have become really good friends the last month or so, and we decided to go together. we really didn't know how bad this storm would be since it was a category 4 storm when we left, so we packed almost everything that was worth any value. so we definitly have our work cut out for us unpacking it all. our house is just fine, just a little bit of damage around the area. there were actually 2 tornadoes that touched down after the storm, and that really affected the surrounding areas. i guess on the news i heard that 2 houses in the city next to us collapsed in the storm! we are 3/4mile from the beach, and the beach is very heavily damaged, along with all of the houses on the beach. last night we noticed a little bit of flooding in our bedroom, and the maintenace man is coming to fix that today. basically all in all it was a great learning experience for all of us. things would have been alot better if chaz could have went with me, but it was definitly worth it for me to leave in the end. (: