In honor of the ABDC episode (which I just watched today) paying homage to Miss Britney Sprrrs, I shall preface this entry by saying: Kwon Ji Yong, oops he did it again.
Okay. I should no longer have to explain why I'm obsessed with this person.
Click to view
Don't mind the seizure-esque camera work of flailing fangirls.
Enter me poofing into a cloud of spaz.
Aaahhh. I wish I were there x_________x
If there was any question as to whether or not he still liked House or electronic music, I think that's a pretty clear answer. EF YOU, GD. That DJ stunt is bordering on torture for me. Although I really, reeeaally hope this is an indication of what to expect from your solo album.
I might be having trouble differentiating between desperately wanting this person or wanting to be this person @____@ How about both?