Kwon Ji Yong. At 3:45AM on Friday, December 5th, you made me cry for the second time (possibly third, I can't remember)... Okay, well, to be fair, it wasn't full blown crying. More of a welling up of tears and my face contorting into a rather frightful frowny mess. I sort of hate you.
Background: For a short while I was relatively disciplined with keeping up with a slew of fashion blogs. If you know me well, you know that I am a bipolar spazface when it comes to fashion. On a daily bases I will devote hours to researching an arbitrary trend only to turn around and condemn the entire fashion industry as God-forsaken, illogical and profoundly maddening. Then my eyes will light up and I'll jump at the chance to spew out loads of meaningless information about this scrawny dude named Gareth Pugh and how crazy badass his designs are and the cultural phenomenon that his buddy Henry Holland brought about (not to mention the fact that they all want to be DJs. What's with this designer-turned-DJ thang??!). This scene is shortly thereafter followed by me throwing my hands up in anguish, proclaiming I cannot take it anymore, fashion is too fucking stupid for me, settling my utter detestation for that dreadful industry for all eternity. Until tomorrow.
Problem: That being said, for a period of time I checked my little blogs and was somewhat content. Then I went berserk and fashion fell out of favor with me. Long story short, I now only check a very select few fashion bloggerdoodles every so often. One of the street fashion blogs I stumbled upon and used to visit was
Your Boyhood (uh, some of the people featured here have style so much better than anything your imagination could ever come up with, it's wild). However, it fell to the wayside, and I currently get my fix of the Seoul scene from places like
FeetManSoul (yay). However, it was called to my attention (thanks
yg_bigbang), that
GD was featured on Your Boyhood less than a month ago!
I have this horrible uneasy/ restless feeling. Why must you do these things to me!?! I discovered this about an hour ago (I write slowly >.<), and I still want to cry or punch something. To quote Mischa, Aiiisssshh. I don't expect anyone to understand why this makes me disgruntled, so sorry for blathering x_x Just had to get it out.
BASTARD. *Ahem* Done now. I swear.