(no subject)

Dec 17, 2004 16:50


Texas was fun. I got to see 2 of my cousins Kara and Clint. My aunt Jenee, Uncle Billy, Uncle Dale, Aunt Linda, my Gram, and I think that's all. I took alot of pictures. ^^^^^I had a really good time. I went with just my dad. On Monday we went on a plane from Logan Airport for 4 hours and then had a 6 hour lay-over and then got on another plane for 2 hours and then landed in Dallas. I had tons of fun. My gram didn't look very good, she slept alot while I was there. When we were on the plane coming home she died. My dad took it really hard. I feel bad for him. Tonight I'm staying a la maison. haha.. I'm such a dork thats french for at my house. Ali and I are renting a million SEX AND CITY dvd's and we're going to watch them and eat. haha sounds fuunnnn :) I'm going to change my Lj icon... but I cant find any good ones. Any Ideas? My friends are wonderful <3 Sammie, Alison, Erinn, Jerrica, Katie, Hillary -- thanks for being there today. :] I got my progress report in the mail.

Honors English----- 80

French 1 Advanced---- 75

CP Algebra 1---- 56



Holy shit. I suck. I could do soooo much better. but I've been slacking off soo much :-/. Not good. I dont know why I have a bad grade in french though. I think its a typo. K I'm gonna go. <3 Byeeee
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