Last night was fun.
Me and Misti went to Texas roadhouse. There we just had a drink and some bread and talked about life and stuff. It was fun.
Then we went to the dollar theatre where we seriously thought we were gonna get shot because someone was shot at Crossroads Mall..
Saw failure to launch, that was a pretty good movie.
After that we went to McDonalds and talked some more and ate ice cream.
She's a neat girl, I wanna get to know her better.
Brief schedule of life:
6/3- track meet
6/5: Band "camp" 5-8
6/6 (aaah): band "camp", 5-9ish (haha i have band 06:06:06 on 06/06/06. FRRREAKY)
6/8: Band "camp" 5-9ish
6/9: track meet
6/10: track meet
6/12: Guard 6-9
6/15: guard 6-9
6/17: track meet
6/19: guard 6-9
6/22: guard 6-9
6/24: track meet
6/26: guard 6-9
6/29: guard 6-9
7/5: Liscense?
7/10: guard 6-9
7/13: guard 6-9
7/17: guard 6-9
7/24: band 5-9ish
7/25: band 5-9ish
7/31: band 5-9ish
AUGUST (aka the killers):
8/1: band 5-9ish
8/3: band 5-9ish
8/7: band 5-9ish
8/8: band 5-9ish
8/10: band 5-9ish
8/11:band 5-9ish, guard lock-in!
8/12: guard lock-in
8/15: classes begin
8/16 7ams begin
8/17, AS band begins, 3-5
8/22: band 6-9
8/24 ice cream social, dinner @ 6 concert @ 7.
Thats just the summer folks. Look at how much more we are practicing than last year. Oh em gee. Thats what we get for Nat'ls, right?