Ohkay. I feel it's time for a friends cut. Here goes.
andrea2868blinkmee182coloryour_worldevrythngs_wrong ohh_itz_stephpoetic_solitude (new GJ)
retroredstiletosinsualtwinklentwirlweazlebyxautobiography_ (new GJ)
________sixteen (new LJ)
skinnyyy (removed before)
desi_chic26 (never added)
The reason I'm cutting you guys is because I don't comment you guys that much and that's not fair to you. Also, you guys dont comment much on mine, and that's not fair to me. I dont have an LJ just to talk about myself, it's so I can make friendships and those aren't going anywhere with you guys, so yeah. :\ Just leave a comment if you wanna stay.
P.S. if anyone on my f-list has a GJ, go visit