May 12, 2008 01:31 has every fucking episode of lost available to stream in hd commercial free.
never has one television show single handedly ruined my life.
i fear for the health of all my personal relationships.
i'm now toward the beginning of season 2, and i've done absolutely nothing all today. it's time for bed...but ...maybe just one more?
my philosophy professor from first term got me into it. here's what he said when i told him i can't stop watching it now:
"you're not hooked because i addicted you. you're hooked because you were supposed to be hooked. it was your destiny to be hooked. but don't blame me, and especially not destiny, for your inability to get your homework done. because destiny, peter, is one fickle bitch.
lost is, nevertheless, rife with meaning. but what you find in it is only what you put there.
i think it's all about the black rock. electromagnetism. quantum weirdness."