alright so friday night, i went and slept over kevins. we sat up until like 12 talking and playing around in the basement. and then i slept in em's room with her. we woke up at about 4:50 am. kevin came in and gave me my good morning kiss and all that jazz. i got up got changed we packed the car and were on our way. got breakfast at wawa and yeaaahhhhhh. i slept most of the way up there. when we got to the 'inn' which must be japanese for disgusting hotel or something we unpacked, and then just packed and left. it was so gross. so yea, then we went the reunion and went to the beach. that was fun. kevins twin cousins jake and joe are too cute. jake kept kissing me? like on my cheeks and then he tried kissing me on my mouth and i was like noooo cheek!!! hahah he was too cute. we were there until i'm not sure what time but then we went to kevins uncle jean's and aunt marie's to get the keys to his cousin meg's house, where we stayed.
sunday morning we woke up and went to denny's for breakfast. and then went to cvs and kevin bought me this fabulous eyeshadow and burt's bees lip gloss. so delicious. yey. and then we went to his uncle jim's & aunt dotty's house who i think are rob's? god parents. (something like that i dont know) but yea, they have a player piano. soooo cool. and then we went to kevin's uncle jeans & aunt maries house. we hung out there for a bit, and then went out to eat at the chateau. soo good. and then on the way home me and kevin were laughing up a storm in the back of the car god knows what was funny, but we laughed alot. when we got home we hung around and watched elf and then ran around downstairs. and then we just talked and kevin came and sat with me in my the room i slept in and we just talked about this summer and everything. ♥. then this morning we woke up got showered and left. it was a good weekend. great last weekend of summer. i'm glad i spent it with them.