Sing In The Rain

Aug 27, 2005 19:22

Name: Teneil
Gender: Female
Age: 17 (18 in 13 days)
Location: Australia
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Religion: Wiccan
Nationality: Australian

**Favs Try to keep answers to five or fewer.**
Movies: Team America, Nypolian Dynamite, Plus anything horror
Actors/Actresses: Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie
Bands/Solo Artists: Dashborad Confessional, My Chemicl Romance, George
Element: Fire!!! Burn Baby
Swearword: I always say if you've gotta say a swear word, say it with meaning, Fuck!

**Opinions Choose ONLY three!**
Gay Rights: I reakon if you love someone, it doesn't matter what colour, race, culture or sex they are. It's all the same, everyone knows what love is, so why should we only let a man and a woman who 'love' each other get married, why can't same sex relationships be married?

Teenage Drinking: Everyone can make there own choices and it's really about how a child is brought up. I started drinking at 15 years old and it's legal here when your 18. I've done most of my drinking and crazy partying and I'm glad that I've got it out of my system, so now I'm nearly 18 I can be mature and do adult things. I think teenage drinking is just another lesson in life.

Religion: Religion is choice, not an obligation, not something you should have to be born in to. A religion is something person and only that person can choose as to which to 'follow'. I'm Wiccan, my mothers Wiccan, my grandfather is a very Christian man. We all respect each other and the others religion.

**Random And Vital**
Have you ever watched porn? What’s you’re opinion on the pornography industry?: Yes I have, not by choice. I think that there's not point trying to shut it down, along with prostitution, it's all in more demand these days then it was when it first started, when man became man. It's just a way of life.

Do you believe in ‘Love at First Sight’?: i used to. I know believe in lust at first sight. No one can fulling say they love someone by just looking at them, well maybe they can't that's just my opinion.

Have you ever thought that someone would be ‘Just Perfect’ for you, based on looks alone?: Haha yes, when I was younger. I've had a bad run with 'good looking' boys, there either bad, dumb or just not nice people.

Pick one song lyric that describes you: This means one or two lines, not a whole fucking song! :"So hurting here is where I belong, dreaming a song, blood on my hands, to stay strong. The flowers in the graveyard are all gone, I don't belong."

Pick a song lyric that describes how you’re feeling right now: "And starving hurts the soul, when your hungry for affection."

When taking a stance in an argument or political issue, do you usually use your own instinct or examine the facts closely?: I stick to what I beleive and more or less just try to get my opinion across. Sometimes you've got to agree to disagree - I hate that saying!

Make an observation about life: Good things happen to bad people, Bad things happen to good people.

Do you believe in the “an eye for an eye” way of revenge?: Um not really, if a person has done wrong, it will come back to them times 3. So carmer will be the sweetest revenge.

One word that sums up who you are: Mixed-up

What is your ‘guilty pleasure’ CD?: Dashboard Confessionals

If you died today, would you be happy with what you did in life?: No and yes, I've been through alot, most of it not good stuff, so if I was to die, I'd be happy is finally all over, but then I wouldn'y have had many good memories.

Does saying, “I’m sorry,” really mean anything?: If they had to say sorry they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

What is your definition of reality?: Life is reality. Movies, books, all that are all fantasy.

Promote the community in three places, and provide links here:

Why should we accept you?: I'm online alot, I comment alot, I post alot :)
How did you find this community?: Searched with the work uniqeness and fount it

**Original Work**
Post an original poem, photograph, whatever, you please. Please keep the length reasonable. You can post the uber long things later, if you're accepted. TOTALLY OPTIONAL.

I'm an 'artist' here's one of my pieces. Hope you like!


 Bad Photo!!!!
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