Singing in the Rain!

Aug 23, 2005 16:04

Name: Sheila
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Location: Germany … Across Sea … don’t worry I Speak English VERYYYY Good! (Lived in USA for 11 years)
Sexual Preference: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Leo … The Loin ROARR!!
Religion: Catholic … though I know so little about it
Nationality: USA/Germany

**Favs Try to keep answers to five or fewer.**
Movies: Almost Famous, The Ring Movies, Freddy vs. Jason
Actors/Actresses: Whoppi Goldberg, Kate Hudson and and another one I can’t remember the name of
Bands/Solo Artists: Smile Empty Soul, Ill Nino
Element: Fire, And Wind … What dangers those to create mixed together … but what beauty!
Swearword: … FUUCK (Fuck fuck fuck a duck Screw a Kangaroo … ;-) ) (Fuck is Good Fuck is funny Some people like to Fuck for Money) .. I think Ya’ll get the point

**Opinions Choose ONLY three!**
Gay Rights:  I think People should be able to choose who they want to marry and be with even if it is of the same sex. Men and Men or Women and Women … to me it’s pretty much the same as a Man and a Woman marrying, Though there are sooome differences but if u really think about it they love just as much and pretty much the same as man and woman.

Teenage Drinking: Living in Germany u get to see how it is to be able to drink at a younger age then in the USA. Teenage Drinking is a big part of almost every teen’s life here. Part of the night life and sometimes everyday life. I find it not to be a problem if the American drinking age would be lowered. Though some will take it to their advantage and may get addictive to it … it’s something some will go through this or that way. It’s their choice. I also think if the age were lower to 16 or so that teen’s could legally drink there that there wouldn’t be so many kids sneaking it around anymore … And some would understand Drinking isn’t at all as bad as some think it up to be! Just got to know when and where and how to use it ;-)

Death Penalty: Here in Germany I know that there’s death penaltys for stupid shit. For example a kid gets molested and or killed then the crime doer only gets like 3 years prison but if it has something to do with money the penalty can be as strong as the death penalty … I think it would be fine if used in the right matter. The money deal should not be as big of a deal as when someone kills a kid or some.

**Random And Vital**
Have you ever watched porn? What’s you’re opinion on the pornography industry?: Yes I’ve watched porn and have no problem with it. It’s actually artistic in some ways!
Do you believe in ‘Love at First Sight’?: Yes for some people … It’s Just as rare and hard to find as a long distance Relationship that hold for over 1 year with a huge ocean inbetween
Have you ever thought that someone would be ‘Just Perfect’ for you, based on looks alone?: No … Looks fool
Pick one song lyric that describes you: This means one or two lines, not a whole fucking song!

some days are better, they're better than others
can't run forever, you're pushing me under
what a way to live my life
i'm hiding from the battles i don't want to fight
what i've become
Pick a song lyric that describes how you’re feeling right now:  by now I should have been somwhere
or gone to school or fixed my hair
back down tell it to someone else
who gives a shit and needs your help
When taking a stance in an argument or political issue, do you usually use your own instinct or examine the facts closely?:  Politically I examine the facts, but when it something not so important then instinct takes over
Make an observation about life: Life is Full of Challenges that everyone has to take … It’s always just another test to see if u’r still awake J
Do you believe in the “an eye for an eye” way of revenge?: Depends … push me to far and we’ll find out
One word that sums up who you are: Different (in a funny way and ain’t scared to say it!)
What is your ‘guilty pleasure’ CD?: Marilyn Manson … Anything From him! And in second place Smile Empty Soul!
If you died today, would you be happy with what you did in life?: No … I didn’t achieve what I’ve wanted to … and am not going to give up … (though my teachers just kicked me out of school and my bf
Does saying, “I’m sorry,” really mean anything?: To or From my parents … nope! To friends and other family Yes!
What is your definition of reality?: A Figment of our imagination … Just like pain! And A State of mind … something we believe to be there though it’s not at all

Promote the community in three places, and provide links here:

Why should we accept you?: Because I’m a Nice Person … And Good Friend for those that what to be. Oh and Am funny … I really haven’t got a good answer for this so … ok
How did you find this community?: Through another commuinty … just can’t remember which one

**Original Work**
Post an original poem, photograph, whatever, you please. Please keep the length reasonable. You can post the uber long things later, if you're accepted. TOTALLY OPTIONAL.

I write Poetry … Here’s one of my recent ones called Mad Man


Dance like that mad man,

We all once knew,

Before he was executed of his awful felony.

His pride torn from his very grips,

No allowance to choose.

The choice of millions of years a waste.

The whispers in his head,

As he spun around in his dance.

He'd dance as if it were the first,

He'd dance as if it were the last.

A Smile slipping his face...

Not exactly happy...

And not evil...

A Smile which defined something in all of us.

Something the most did not trust to show.

Regret passed in some as he went away,

To believe that he was a mad man...

A mad man

They all said...

A MaDDD Man!

To be executed for being a mad man,

With no choice for life,

Nor death!

So Dance...

Dance through your life,

Like the mad man once did,

With his smile of freedom,

With his seconds of life!


I'll only post 3

^ Me the blonde one^

Dude it's like i'm 2 different people at once ... Ain't it cool?
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