(no subject)

Oct 23, 2005 11:19

Name: Corina
Gender: female
Age: 16
Location: New York
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Zodiac Sign: Picses
Religion: agnostic
Nationality: everything.

**Favs Try to keep answers to five or fewer.**
Movies: Shaun of the Dead, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Lord of the Rings triligy, Labyrinth
Actors/Actresses: I don't have favorite actors or actresses.
Bands/Solo Artists: (in no specific order) Against Me!, Bikini Kill, Minor Threat, Black Flag, Defiance Ohio.
Element: earth.
Swearword: fuck.

**Opinions Choose ONLY three!**

Gay Rights: Why shouldn't they get the same rights as everyone else?? i really don't understand why people make a big deal about letting gays get married. Some people might argue that marriage is a religious thing. and you know what? it is. but i dont think that you should exclude gays from the rights that married couples have with insurance and stuff.

Abortion: i dont think abortion should be made illegal. because i definetly think there are times when abortion is needed, and not just in times of rape. however, i dont think it should be used left and right as a normal birth control.

Separation of Church and State: they NEED to be seperated. and i know that bush is combining them, and that really makes me mad. he should make disisions that would help further the country, but he shouldnt make them because its against some religion.

**Random And Vital**
Have you ever watched porn? What’s you’re opinion on the pornography industry?: once or twice. honestly, i dont care. people have their right to watch whatever they want.
Do you believe in ‘Love at First Sight’?: no. i think thats rdiculous. its more of lust than love.
Have you ever thought that someone would be ‘Just Perfect’ for you, based on looks alone?: see previous answer.
Pick one song lyric that describes you: This means one or two lines, not a whole fucking song!

I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like.

(Queen - Bicycle Race)

Pick a song lyric that describes how you’re feeling right now:

And we rock
because its us against them
We got our own reasons to sing

(against me! - those anarcho punx are mysterious)

When taking a stance in an argument or political issue, do you usually use your own instinct or examine the facts closely?: I go with my instinct
Make an observation about life: it sucks, end of story.
Do you believe in the “an eye for an eye” way of revenge? no i believe in karma.
One word that sums up who you are:DIYbikepunk
What is your ‘guilty pleasure’ CD?: i dont have a "guilty pleasure" CD. i download all my music.
If you died today, would you be happy with what you did in life?: for the most part, i would i be. i live almost everyday like it was my last day, making the most fun out of everything. i dont have that many regrets. "forget regrets, or life if yours to miss".
Does saying, “I’m sorry,” really mean anything?: It Depends on what your saying it for, and how you say it.
What is your definition of reality?: The quality or state of being actual or true

Promote the community in three places, and provide links here:


Why should we accept you?: because i think im worthy enough to be in this community.
How did you find this community?: community surfing.

**Original Work**


i guess if you want to find out more about me visit:
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