
Apr 05, 2006 23:59

Tonight was a good night. I am so happy for our house-we placed third in Battle of the Bands for Greek Week! yay us!

And tomorrow I am going to see Guster with one of my favorite people ever, which will be good times. :) I have been listening to them all day and I am super excited for some Guster-loving tomorrow night. I haven't been to a concert in ages and I was tickled that she asked me to go with her. I think the last concert I saw was on my...19th birthday, which was the Breaking Benjamin, Seether, Evanescense and Third Days Grace concert. Definately the best concert ever, but tomorrow will be a blast.

It really sucks being sick. I can't sleep at night because everything clogs in my throat. yeah, i know its disgusting, but deal with it. I haven't been this sick a in a ridiculously long time. I have been lucky this year with the whole sick thing. And the doctor definately laid into me about waiting so long. He also asked me a lot about my eating habits and my stress levels. I almost laughed when he asked if I have been stresed out. Um, yeah? I'm in AOII, how can I not be stressed out? The sooner I can get home, the better I will feel. I know that's not a good attitude to have, but I am just kind of frustrated. I think once I get the e-mail out tomorrow, I will like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And doing paperwork took entirely way too long on Sunday and Monday. 5 hours to get 5 sets done. Everything they require is so effing ridiculous. But at least the house is reimbursing me for all my money spent on it. I just hope I filled everything out correctly...

And once I turn this article in tomorrow, I will be able to breathe a little easier. My philosophy professor moved my paper due date until the 13th instead of the 11th. I haven't even looked at it yet. We have to write on another important literary piece. I did "Song of Myself" last time. I am thinking I might do something different and go a sci-fi route with "1984" or maybe even do "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe." I think it could make an interesting paper...we shall see...haven't decided yet.

But anyways, this paper due tomorrow. I wrote last week about the two topics I was debating on. He totally turned down the creative writing one, so I am doing the other, less fun one. But I have a solid two pages right now that are really good, or at least I think they are. He helped me narrow it down and its going nice and smooth now. yay! It's still really frustrating, because i put it off. I was still feeling like crap both monday and tuesday, so I put it off till today. OKay, i did try and write it last night and got to page 7 before deciding everything was crap. And then i deleted it. ALL of it.

Not the smartest choice, but its much better now. I have a direction. All I need to do is get to page 10 and i will be fine...so 8 more pages. I can do that in 2 hours if i just go. Less than 2...I will be fine. The goal is simply to go to bed by 4 am. doable.

Unless I decide to clean the PIGSTY that is my room. There is one path of "clean" carpet the leads to my desk and futon. Everything else in the room is covered in CRAP. The whole middle part of my room is covered in my books, dirty clothes, empty boxes, etc. I can barely function at my desk and the area around it is covered in crap too. I can't move my chair without hitting something or running over something. My alundry basket is in the closet area, still filled with clothes that i washed at home 2 WEEKS ago. And the top of the microwave is covered in dirty dishes. Oh, and the garbage can is overflowing and there are two smaller garbage bags on the floor next to it.

It's disgusting. I live like a pig. But it will either be cleaned tonight after writing my paper, or tomorrow before (and finishing after) the concert. I can't live one more day like this. I would do it now, but the paper has to come first. ewww...gross room.

and Felipe needs new water. remind me to change it.

oh look, those stupid ladybugs are on my light again. I hate them. They get in through my screen and fly all over the place...i find them dead on my floor, which grosses me out. I hate bugs. And kind of bugs. eww.

Narnia is coming in the mail! yay! I really can't wait to watch it again. It was definately a wonderful movie and I am glad i could afford it...

And now I am going to end one of the longest LJ entries ever. Wow, what has gotten into me? I never write in LJ like this. Oh well.

And for Torrie...

"Sometimes, this just feels like a book to me, the people are just characters in someone’s mind, the emotions just pretty words thrown together, and the setting is someone’s dream. I mean, a couple of weeks ago I was this…girl from a hick town in the United States. I had no friends, no family, and was so alone with no purpose…nothing real to hold on to. And now, I’m here, with three incredible people, a Family, but still I don’t feel the realness. Does that make sense?”

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