frrrriends only!

Jun 01, 2006 23:42

I am really quite paranoid, to tell you the truth. There are lurkers out there! RL FRIENDS GALORE! AND PARENTS! AND, OH HORROR! PASTY LITTLE BROTHERS! So, you see, privacy is really a must. Friend me at your own risk. My entries are really quite hazardous at times :)

1. Comment to be added. I shall add you unless you are my a palepale freak of a brother who enjoys ruining my life/traumatising my friends by running around naked in the house. Or unless you are a teacher or parent or someone who is concerned with my online doings. Rest assured, you need not be concerned for you shall never see the insides of my journal. Bye.
2. Info, please? Whut? I don't want to be all "Heck who is this? Why do I not know ANYTHING about him/her/it?".
3. Add me. Enough said.
4. You must be ALIVE! I don't want dormant friends. I prefer people who actually read my entries and comment on them and people who type entries I can comment on as well.
5. Patience, precious. You must have patience or my bad humour and blatantly outrageous abuse of profanity/overwhelming chirpiness will have you dead. Fear me. I, with my dirty jokes, puns, rants and raves! If you do not like that/me, refrain from adding me so I won't have to see your sorry arse around here.
6. I am a plebe :> Oh. And a pervert. And I abuse smilies. Alot. And talk in. Well. Disjointed sentences. And use amazingly big bold fonts when I feel like it.
7. I have weird fetishes. :>
8. IF WE ARE FAMILY, I DO NOT WANT TO ADD YOU THX. GO AWAY GO AWAY AWAY AWAY. I can very well say what I want here without any of you poking and prodding GO AWAY.
9. NO PASTY NAKED BROTHERS ALLOWED. That means you, oh little one of 18kg and with a bottom paler than the rest of his torso. HA!
10. I am hungry. :(
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