the chicken sangwich.

Sep 13, 2005 15:47


work is awesome, as always. i made absolutely no money today. okay, i take that back. i made eight dollars. swell. but either way, making money or not, i'm usually have a good time at least. i work with awesome people. the red-head ladygirl from blockbuster is supposed to call because she wants me to do her hair for . . . get this . . . AMERICAN IDOL. how freakin awesome. i don't watch it but she's trying out on friday, so i'm going to have to watch the first few episodes, at least. hopefully she'll get in touch because that would be awesome. it's a win-win situation.

sunday night laura, matt, & myself ventured off to logos for a little bit of gwen stacy goodness. ghosts of maine & forgotten tragedy were there as well. all played fabulously. gwen stacy is really an amazing band. i enjoy them everytime i see them because they always seem to be having fun. good kids, indeed. we also got our hankies. go BHC. i think we need shirts that say 'bait it, hook it, eat it.' THE MOTTO OF LIFE! anyway, the show was really fun & that suter kid actually new my name. weird. indeed. i still say eff myspace. sorry for the harsh letters.

i really wanted to go to fountain square today for sunglasses & handbags. perhaps necklaces, as well. but it's so hot out, i'm running low on gas as it is & i didn't want to be going south on 65 during rush hour. NO FRICKIN WAY. so perhaps tomorrow before work. since i work seven days out of this seven-day week. oh well. next week i have state board (hopefully) & then i'll be a fully-licensed stylists. effin a.

so laura gets off in a couple of hours & i should probably find something for us to do so we're not bored. hopefully she doesn't have plans. & if she does, oh well, i'll manage.

reminder: girls lie, fellas. i'm just saying. i love my friends & if you hurt them or screw them over in any way, you'll be dealing with me. & nice as i am, i can be extremely vicious. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!

ashley renae
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