(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 23:39

Sooo there really isn't any point to me doing this anymore. no one ever reads my lj anymore sooo yeah. The only reason I'm updating here is cus my stupid myspace won't let me put in a new blog entry so I'm putting it here so I can at least get my thoughts straight and remember what I wanted to post in case It decides to be nice and let me blog again.

Sooo my mom won't let me go anywhere tonight. Why? Because I've been out with my friends every day this week. That makes 3 times I've hung out with people this week. I don't really see why that's reason to be pissed off because it's not like I ever really get to hang out with people during school. I mean, during the school week I hardly ever see matt; the only times we ever get to hang out are on the weekends. And then I can't hang out with anyone else after school cus of all of the stupid homework again. And so now my mom is mad that I'm hanging out with my friends alot more. Part if it is also because she got stuck in Flint today with no gas. It's not my fault she didn't check her gas gauge before she left, there's 5 gas stations within 10 miles of where we live, she would have had plenty of time to gas up before she left for work, so there really is nor reason to blame us. Yeah, we took her jeep yesterday, but still, it's not like we had enough money to put more gas in there and she would have had plenty of time to get gas. I don't get it.

She's also mad because I've got people wanting to make plans with me for new years eve. Magann and Staci both invited me to parties and Liz wants me to come over, and then I was thinking of maybe doing something with matt if he wasn't busy. So she's mad that I won't be home for that. I havn't really even finalized any of my plans for new year's eve yet either. Which I need to do before people freak out. So yeah. that's basically it.

[P E O P L E]

1. Best friends? Staci, Tiffany, Magann, Sami, Toni, Heather
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? Matt...he's been my only one this year and he is pretty good.
3. Lost any friends? Not really. It's more like falling out of contact with people. And those people are Nino and Tyler, I wish we could talk more.
4. Gained any friends? Definately
5. Met a new good friend? ANDY! OMG I <3 that kid

[P L A C E S]

1. Went out of the country? Nope
2. Moved? Not this year.
3. New school? nope
4. How many times on an airplane? 0

[Y O U]

1. Have you changed? Definately
2. New look? Sort of
3. Any new additions? ???
4. Biggest conflict this year? Ha, I don't even want to go into that again.
5. Most depressed time this year? not quite sure, there were a few times.

[L O V E]

1. Did you fall in love? sort of, I think I'm in the falling stage right now.
2. Did you get heartbroken? Nope.
3. Who was your summer love? hahahah that's funny. Matt and I started dating in September, so I guess him, sort of.

[S E A S O N S]

1. Favorite Season? Spring
2. Least favorite season? Winter
3. Good birthday? Definately. What's more fun than clinging to Sami's arm during scary parts in movies???
4. Any snow this year? Of course.
5. Highest temperature? high 90's

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]

1. Snuck out? No
2. Met a person who will change your life? sure...
3. Kept your resolution? HAHA no way.
4. Had a first something? WAYYYY too many firsts. quite a few of them happened within the last few months. I'm not going into any deteails though....
5. Had a crush? Totally
6. Liked someone who didn't like you? Sadly, yes. But I have moved on to better things :)
7. Lost a family member? ...Not really. More like close family friend (RIP Al-Feb 11, 2005)
8. Got bad grades? only on tests
9. Got suspended? No way.
10. Moved states? Nope.
11. Got a myspace? Yeah
12. Done something you totally regret? *Thinks* Maybe, I dunno.
13. Changed your view on things? MOST DEFINANTLY
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