Jan 01, 2006 14:38
IN 2005 ..
[P E O P L E]
1. Best friend(s)? kat, connor, brett, KTq, danny, vik and the rest of theatre lol, jenn and ang
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? uhmmm... mike lieber, tony- kinda? and Brett<3 hehe yay
3. Lost any friends? Laryss :( miss you
4. Gained any friends? amazing ones.. i love em!
5. Met a new good friend? jennie, jensen, meg in a way? lol...
[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? nope
2. Moved? no
3. New school? no
4. How many times on an airplane? 2x.. back and forth.
5. Road trips? nope
[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? i feel like my self confidence grew alot, i havent hurt myself since april i think
2. New look? i lost alittle weight, i guess from growing up.. and my hair's long but not really 'new'
3. Any new additions? hmm... don't think so?
4. Biggest conflict this year? letting go
5. Most depressed time this year? february until like june.. then july for a bit
[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? yes, i sure as hell did.
2. Did you get heartbroken? majorly
3. Who was your summer love? tony
4. How many boyfriends/girlfriends this year? 2 and a half hahah
5. Favorite date? ice skating.. even though i have like ganggreen ahah no jk, but ice skating was cute :)
[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? fall and summer
2. Least favorite season? winter i guess, i dont hate it though
3. Good birthday? thanks connor ahha... yes, it was awesome this year.
4. Any snow this year? can you even call it that???
5. Highest temperature? i think like 90 haha
[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S: T H i S Y E A R H A V E Y 0 U]
Snuck out? yea
Met a person who will change your life? more than one
Kept your resolution? i dont remember? i should check haha it's written down somewhere
Got arrested? no
Had a first something? sex
Did anything illegal? well if getting drunk counts lol
kissed a boy/girl? hehe :)
Had a crush? way more then a crush, pal.
Liked someone who didn't like you? yea, i was stupid enough to be his girlfriend
Lost a family member? no but an amazing friend :(
Got bad grades? hahah ohhh boy
Got suspended? no
Moved states? no
Got a myspace? yea but i've had it since like end of freshman year
Started a band? no
Spent over one million dollars? haha yea, okayy
Done something you shouldn't have? "cigarettes are bad, dont ever smoke them"..... HYPOCRIT
Kept a secret? yea i think
Done something you totally regret? don't regret things, learn from them.. that's the point of a mistake
Changed your view on things? yep
did you like the yr 2005? for the most part it was awesome.. but hey, what is honestly perfect?