Sep 11, 2006 13:01
Ok, so I've kinda been neglecting the whole LJ thing... I shouldn't... it was my original online thingamagig, but myspace and facebook have been recieving all of my time...
So DC is way too much fun. My studies and my sleep have been neglected since I got here... I dropped Western Philosophy... The professor reminded me of Mrs. Bartlett except worse because he didnt follow a text when he lectured so there would have been no way I could have passed... I'm going to take it next year because this professor is only teaching here for one year... So I am only taking 13 hours this semester... Retarded? I think so.
At home basically the only thing to do that was fun was to drink. That's so not the case here, which is deffinately a good thing since it's alot more difficult to do.
For frat parties you have to go to the quad, find a frat boy, find out where rides are. Push your way to the front of the line, hop in a crowded car with some random frat boy driving, and hope that when you get there the house isnt so crowded that they're still letting people in... Oh yeah, and you're also usually left on your own for finding a ride back...
Me and my roommates are checkig the club scene out this weekend...
I skipped my politics class last weekend to go see Ted Leo & The Pharmacists on campus. Then the next day I accidentally slept through my Macroeconomics class at 11:20. Then I got an email telling me that we had a debate in Macroecon tomorrow and what side I am to debate and what articles I am to read. I am wondering what the hell we talked about in class for a debate to pop up out of nowhere.
I am way behind in College Writing. My goal for that class is to pass witha at least a "C".
Math is easier than Algebra 2. The most difficult thing about it is trying to think on that basic of a level again. I got so confused in a factoring problem because she spent 30 min explaining how to do it, and it only took me one step, I was sure I was doing something wrong. I have a quiz for that class in an hour.
This is getting kind of long but I'll keep writing.
My RA is in the AU Foreign Policy Association, which I was interested in joining. He is the head of the Publications committe which is in charge of building a website. Since I have some expierience in HTML I signed up for this committe saying that I can help with the website, but I havn't built one in almost two years so I need some help. No one else knows HTML past what they use for blogspot, so it looks like I am the main webmaster... YIKES!!
I have some images I need to put in the devil dreamweaver to make some clickable images... I hope my skills come back...
But my friend just called and a bunch of us are going to meet in the SIS lounge... so now I wont have this computer in my lap reminding me to write my 3 papers due tomorrow...