Jun 28, 2005 09:46
Hmm, I kno I said I wouldn't update 'till I reached 100 comments but yeah, whatever. && I'm juss gonna ramble on about everrything so don't mind me ;) Schoools out, couldn't be better. Wiping out on the 4wheeler was the shit, got scars to prove my madd driving skills lmao Sammy<3*Finally back at it again w/ my Stars although it's not the same anymore :o\ we have never fought this much since we've been together && I'm sorrry, I'm gonna argue my point against sitting out for 15 minutes when in reality when we play in Florida & 90+degree weather you're gonna want that break. Butt, after bitching leads into crying & everyone getting involved it totally ruins everything. Helll, I duno.. it's just not the same anymore. I love these girls w/ alla my heart & I couldn't share the crazy ass times we go through w/ any other group of girls. & you girls no damn straight I always speak my mind & yeah sometimes it leads into a big ass brawl & other times it makes you guys think. we just reallly all need a talk w/out bitching & talking shit bout everyone. Don't get me wrong Thursday/Friday was amazingly wicked.. pistons, teddy grahams, pizza fights, pop [ J*Me your hair is sizzling! ] swimming, well actually getting thrown in but that's beside the point =) just being dumbasses, putting bandaids all over(you fuckers wanna look like me, just keeeding) McDonaLds(U hoes still owe Jeff, by the way thanks buddday) sugar everywhere, just everything. me&alli-baba & our burns, heck yes ;o) && all of us walking into practice half-dead, especially jmonte.. definitely gotta kick outta that. Regionals however was iffy, won 1st game 8-0 & I motha fuckin' AZajac scored & that's just not right, but did it for you Gabe =) yeahhh, after that game was bad very bad.. I fricken love you Sammmmy-Wammmy. 2nd game we lost 1-0 damn it, offa shitty goal.. they were good though:o\ 3rd game we won 2-1.. goood times/shitty times/lmao times/bad times. funnnnay shit though=volleyball,car rides w/ jamie amy & dee, ew mcdonals never again, EXOTIC DANCE CLUBS, jamie & her 3 bras Triple D whhhhhat, shake all those sins off, the list goes on.. <3yougirls w/ all I got even if it doesn't seem like it. That's alll I can seem to remember bout these interesting weeks.. Ohhh yes that boyfriend of mine, just amaziiiing =) I love laying with him, being my complete self around him, and all in all just being with him. he makes me so happy&I love him, yeap.
6/30-7/4 ~ UP NORTH for 4thofJuly My faaaavorite part of the summer! tubing&skiing, jammin' to the country, bonefires w/ linds kelly & the rest of those country bois, oooh the lake.. need I say more?
7/16-7/20 ~ FlOOOrida ;-) Oh shit, can't wait stars.
Ohemgeee..I missss you Maddie =( a lot.
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