May 24, 2008 18:15
What an amazing day so far.
Definitely slept 14 hours last night (630p to 830a), waking up at 830p to change a dvd, falling immediately back to sleep, and up at midnight-ish to go to the bathroom, get some more water, and go back to sleep until 830am. :)
I started out the day with a cup of coffee and a bagel, followed by a nice little workout, and then a swim. Flipped through my May/June Paddler for the billionth time, and it seems that every article mentions at least ONCE that its one of those things that if you like it the first time you're pretty much HOOKED... Which also led me to reiterate how much I REALLY need a roof rack, which will then lead to me finally getting a kayak.
My arms and shoulders are RED, and so is my face. I love me some Vitamin D.