Nov 17, 2005 17:51
Well I choped off all my hair, do you still love me???
I think it looks pretty nice. I got some good reactions
I wish I had my camera but Rose has it in her gym locker(long story...)
i need to go get it, she is getting pissed off
Ari is off the list, guys, so dont worry about it
I guess im out of plans for tomorrow (hint hint, nudge nudge)
i might go to the thing at mike wahlen's but i dont know
i might just sit at home and hum to myself
Who needs boyfriends?
I like to keep my options open :)
I love all of you so much, you dont even understand
It was fucking cold today
Whenever I glance at the obitchuaries in the Needham Times (Which is once in a blue moon) I always seem to find someone's grandparent who died. Like, today I looked at it was Liza Alpert's grandmother(Sorry Liza :( ) and other random people in the past whoes names I have since forgotten
great story Jamie. God.