Mar 15, 2005 20:19
I keep telling my self everything happens for a reason. Over and over I'm saying it like a broken record. And so is everyone eles. But I just dont see the reason for this. But as they say God works in mysterious ways. One day he will get what he deserves. and thats what faith is all about. And thats what seperates us from him. We have faith, and he doesnt. And In the end thats all that matters.
This one's for the child molesters, this one's for the people who rape! My God powerful will burn your bridged down! Planned attack on your soul to defeat the evil and make you whole If no change, then hell your fate ~ UNDEROATH
thats right im christian. let me spell that out for you c-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n. deal. and i feel now more than ever i need my faith.
the end.