Apr 03, 2007 21:41
I'm kinda happy.
Third quarter ended, which means a very bad day is on the way (called report card day).
But that only leaves room for improvement which I am hoping to do, and hey guess who's doing well in chemistry? guess who knows what she's doing in algebra?
But aside from all that, I'm just relieved. The worst part of the year is over and that makes me feel good. For now anyway. Tianna is leaving on sunday which is quite sad. Quite sad indeed. But it's ok cause I have a cute boy to kiss and cuddle with, and of course Miss Hendershot, who are both quite entertaining and quite in Maine (ergo: not in California), and kind of make up a good portion of my favorite people ever, so I shall pull through with Tianna across the country. Ya know?
But now I have some stuff to do.
Some people to talk to.
And some sleep to obtain.