Stamped/ pics

Jul 03, 2005 16:31

My friends 18th. It was amazing. I'm off to be sick. Have a good weekend everyone!

Charlotte's 18th- 02/07/05

Me, Nicki and Charl. I really like this one:

Laura Jane and Simon:



I edited this for her :D:

Simon, Hazel, Charlotte and me... went a bit unplanned:

And again:

Me and Charl in black and white:

General drinking scene:

Speaks for itself:

Iain diving out of the camera:

My eyeballs:

Ben going wild. NO STANDING!:


Laura Jane upside down:

Simon and his umbrella:

Emergency. You heard:


Me and Mattheau. I like this:

And again:


He moved and so did I:

AND again:

Iain and Jen:

No standing... still:

Me and Iain in Walkabout- love this one:



Mattheau's mouth and me:

Ok this id weird:


Random tennis playing fiend:

Me, Nicki and Charl:

Hazel trying to bite the camera or something!:

Mattheau and Charl:

Jenny and Simon:

Me and Ben who looks like he's wearing more lipstick than me!:

Jenny, Charl, Nicki, Ben, Simon:

Iain with Erin lurking behind him:

Iain, Charl and Jenny:

Group photo going wrong:

And again:

And again:

Iain doing the traditional modelling of hats:

Ghetto Iain:

Saturday night I feel the air is getting hot, like you baby:

Iain amidst random beasts:

Mattheau lol:

Simon's American tourist impression with Jenny:

Some random freak was the only one who was ready:

Simon gurning:

Me and Mattheau humping a postbox:

Me and Mattheau looking dazed:

Me and Mattheau looking good! I love this one:

Yes I do:

On the way back to the minibus:

Arty Siany:


My eyelashes taking over the world:

A limo we could have hijacked:

Mattheau's chin going out of the window:

The end!
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