(no subject)

May 26, 2006 23:06

im leaving on Wednesday to go back to israel for maybe two months.
im going to see my best friend afterwards.
i have got strep , im taking penensilin, im listneing to the same song over and over again.
the other day we went to coney island.
we laid on a blue sheet and looked at a dog running wild. he looked at a dog running wild. i looked at him looking at a dog running wild.
i came down with a fever on the way home from the island.
i took a bath, he put leonard cohen for me on the player, and then i got inside the bed and he came and laid near me, he told me to rest, but then we didn't.
and later i laid on the futon. and i was crawled inside that cream blanket, after jeprady, and after he finsiehd his noodles, and since sinfield wasn't on, he went and bought me medicine.
we woke up at midnight, on the futon, for the first time we fell asleep on it, and he told me to move to the bedroom, and slowly we did.
and we slept there, and at 5 29 i looked at the clock and at 530 it went off and i pressed a button and joanna started playing.
he siad i was very hot, he got me a pill from the living room with a cup of water and watched while i swallowed it.
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