Ok, maybe me staying home tonight was a good thing because oh boy did I discover some great old games!
So a big topic of conversation lately has been me remembering this game Leisure Suit Larry and how insane it was. I used to play it when I was young because my step dad had it and I would sneak it (it's not for kids, but I was a curious little girl) I actually wound up figuring out quite a bit and I have no idea how.
Anyways, I brought it up recently to some buddies and mentioned how you have to go buy condoms before you lose your virginity to the prostitute because if you don't wear one you'll die of an STD. No joke. Everyone thought it was hilarious. I'd been meaning to look it up and tonight I finally did.
On Wikipedia I couldn't screen cap while in the game for some reason. I was kinda pissed, I was gonna make all these examples. But here's one from the internets:
Anyways, I found some places to download it, played it, beat it, laughed really hard. If you want to download it here is a
link. To play, download it, unzip the file, click "sierra.com" and it should load. There are tons of walkthroughs too if you can't figure out what you're doing. Also, when trying to save you need to edit the, I want to call it filepath but I'm probably wrong, to be c: rather than that long ass default one.
But yeah. After beating that I went ahead and looked for King's Quest 1. I played that for a while. It's just as frustrating as ever. I'm gonna need to cheat on this one. I'm also gonna look up police quest and probably some others tomorrow. I love these old games with the godawful graphics.
Oh, and Friday night was funny. Beef came over to watch new Degrassi. Then my mom wanted us to go to the movies with her so we decided on Freedom Writers. I rode in with Beef and my mom brought Sean in her van. We sang obnoxiously all the way there and danced in our seats. It was so good. I'm pretty sure if we tried out for American idol and just sang like we were in the car we would totally make it onto the auditions. When we got to the movies and headed towards the theater this woman rolled down her window and told us we were awesome. She'd seen us going nuts in the car and loved it. See, we already have fans.
So Freedom Writers was hilar. So cheesy, so over the top, so easy to make jokes and crack up my moms (yeah, I wrote moms, just like the guy in the movie).
Yeah, uneventful weekend, but at least I got some sweet nostalgia happening.