Sprained wrist over moshing or broken wrist over tripping over a chord

Jun 05, 2005 21:32

Today was alright.

Timmy and I have been going out for 6 months today. :)
Although he's sick right now... he feels woozy.
This just isn't his weekend.
Timmy went to a show on Friday (I think). I suppose he was moshing, because he came home all sore, bruised, cratched up, and cut up. He seems to think he sprained his left wrist, because it hurts badly when he moves it. It was so sad... yet cute. Is that wrong? Oh well.
I love him.
I rather have broken my wrist, while moshing, instead of tripping over a chord, or broke my shoulder, while moshing, instead of jumpin on a bed and being senseless by falling off.

He told me today, "I love you, Alyson."
If you know pretty well, I hate being called Alyson.
But for some reason, I liked it when he called me it. Hmmm.
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