i seriously love life right now.

Sep 22, 2005 14:44

so i just randomly got imed from this screen name and i had no clue whom it was so i was like fuck here we go again another shitty ass kid starting e drama with me ... by the way if you decide that you dont like me for some unknown reason.. you better fucking tell me to my face on not online because once i find who the fuck is talking shit online..your luck will have ran dry......anyways back to the story. well when i woke up this morning this person was online so i was what the fuck do i gotta lose so i imed them asking who it was and he goes trenton... i sware to god i had a fit, i was soooo stoked on life. i havent talked to this kid since the end of my freshman year and the beginning of my sophomore year. we use to talk every day.. and i lost a friend because of that. its weird how people come back to your life when you are down and out and its typicall the people that make you so extremely happy. and let me tell you i cant seem to get this little smirk off my face. connections my be gone for a while but you always come into contact with people again, showing you know small the world really is.
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