May 01, 2005 17:20
This weekend was a good one. I canceled the trip to my fathers house and went to Sarah's. We made Sarahs pool into the Artic Ocean and put a lot of bubbles in it. Then we played outside with an 11 year old, a 12 year old, a 13 year old and a 14 year old at like 9 at night. Then Jason, Paul and I attempted to watch "The Yellow Submarine" but Darien (Sarah & Pauls little nephew) kept beating us up. The next day Sarah and Keely went to the beach and I stayed at Sarahs so Jason could take me home but I ended up staying. We had robot wars, cooked french toast and eggs, and we played battleship... that's right I kicked Jasons ass in that game. Jason kept farting in my face to "give me super powers", it was wonderful. Then Sarah and Keely came back WITH GRANT! Hi Grant. Then Grant took Keely home, Sarah fell asleep and Jason and I finished watching "The Yellow Submarine". That movie's so fucked up but I like it =)Then when I came home I was sad =( and I can't concentrate on my homework but I had a lovely conversation with Julie =) Thank you Julie I love you.