Jan 04, 2006 00:00
well...back home again. for 2 more weeks. it has been really fun so far, for no particular reason, nothing exactly that i can pinpoint. it just is.
other than the fact that my grandmother is absolutely crazy. i think she's losing her mind. she has so much anger inside of her, jealousy towards me and my mother, and sits all day and absolutely steams and focuses on petty occurances. she needs to be on anti-depressants but you can't tell her that. it's just really frustrating, i just feel so sad for her because this must not be a happy life. its really a shame. :/
on sunday in columbus i spent the day with 3 of my favorite friends, catie, jessica, and courtney. it made me so happy. i'm so excited for all the things going on in all our lives, and to share it with them even if the majority of us are far away from each other right now and in the future. i love you three :)
i turned in my application for campus crusade's summer project today. most likely i will be going to ocean city, new jersey. if not that, then virginia beach, hampton beach, nh...and so on, but my top 5 choices are all beach locations on the east coast or the south. it's entirely daunting to me right now- if i go it means i will be gone may 30th-august 12th. but it seems like something i just cant pass up. i have to raise $2400, but i am not too worried about that. just pray that i have the courage to go through with this, it really is quite scary.
have a good night everyone :)