Jan 22, 2006 20:16
im moving next year. and the worst part is no one is making me. i WANT to move. everyone in good ole fucking pelham just ignores me or talks to me but there so fucking two faced i dont know if there talking about me behind my back. no one gives a fucking damn if i stay or if i go. so please dont comment saying you do give a damn because guess what? if you did you wouldnt fucking ignore me. i have very few friends and those i have ignore me when they are around certain people. ive been trying so fucking hard to talk to more people and be more social but everyone just kinda keeps me outta the convo. im sorry but i can fucking take it anymore. so next year i will be moving.
now the only people i would genuinly stay for is parker, sarah, christina, erica, amber, and lauren. although there are some people i will miss besides that but those are whom i am the closest too.
i dont mean to start shit but im pissed off.
notice how i didnt name names except for good names.
ohh ya and love doesnt exsist.
"the notebook" is never gona happen to you.
every reltationship ends.
and eric ochoa.. you need to take a joke.
i wasnt even going to put that but someone dared me too
and then went up to the class and read it.
so ya if you even tryed to "beat me up"
about 10 guys would be on you like an addict on acid.
so get over it. k thanks=]