Hmm today was a half day! it was a pretty decent one, i went home early though. But no one was really up there. Ohhh boiii BIG fight goin on there mann.
I feel so bad for Bianca though. -- Jose and Josh were fighting and Josh lost. Jose's sister stomped on joshes face and left a Nike sign on his face i think. Josh went in the paramedics van thing
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"OO im gonna beat your ass but im not gonna leave my name so you cant get people to back you up when i never even saw/met you! im just assuming that your a slut and ugly and fat cuz i have no lifee and thast the only thing i can think of calling you!"
guess what? IM A FUCKING VIRGIN!! IM FUCKING PROUD OF IT! im not a little skank and i can really tell that you arent either cuz you cant even get your fucking first kiss -- kinda like Bobby! yeah he wanted me to teach him how to make out! lmao if i wasnt a virgin i wouldnt go bragging that im not, thats just showing that you want guys all fucking over you and you wanna be a skanky ass slut.
and you "real girls" shut your fuckin cunt ass mouths you never met me befor i dont even fucking go to your slutty ass school so dont talk shit.
and you hoes dont even make sence you say im a fucking slut/hoe/skank/cunt who needs to keep her legs closed and then you go and say i cant get any well you know what i can! the day after i broke up with bobby this one kid wanted to finger me but guess what i said no cuz im not a fucking skank like that.
And please, Tell me how im white trash! i really dont understand - i take showers i brush my teeth, i dont wear fucking slutty cloths and i wash my cloths (etcc.) so please tell me how that makes me white trash. oh and im a virgin so "white trash" doesnt really fit in.
And if Bobby told you i was fat if i was him i wouldnt be talking and his shorts the other day were just a little bit short maybe below the knee next time.
"Not s0me 1 who needs to mash her potatoes to prove she ain't got it.........." your exact words what in the hell does that fucking mean? i mean come on cant you just be a little better at bitching me out then that?
"ur a fat, ugly, whore who cant find another bf then Bobby so u need 2 just stop going out with him or i will bat ur ass don!!!!" your words again. bat my ass don? bat? wtf? and don? you mean dome - like what you give to guys?!?
my momma better wash my mouth out with soap? riight. cuz we all know that i give head for free these days. when markus asks me every day in english to "suck his penis" what do i say? No, cuz im not like that.
and what "troubles" do i have sweetie? your the one that callin me shit just to try to make yourself feel good
and umm i dont think im "the shit" so back the fuck off you ugly ass bitch.
itss soo funny how you say you can beat my ass and shit when you cant leave your name - ashley leave your last name ;) it might help. you little fuckin pussybitch.
if you got a problem with me .. say it to my face dont put it in my LJ where no one know who the fucking you little cunts are.
ahah -- i love you
that was a sweet ass comment
#1 duh
<33 stacey iloveyou
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