(no subject)

Jan 30, 2005 16:48

wooooow i havnt updated in a long time. the highlights.. Dana prooving shes a Larkin, turning the pantining, the animal crackers, how dana slept, Rachael-Dana version of Ping Pong, playing pool, watching our drunk dads, cousins/brothers be drunk, Connor attcking me and Danielle with slippers and pillows when we were sleeping. pizza for breakfast, Ovaltine, oosh-ma-goosh, the Scranton kid, Shelbys moms friend Mark/Marv?, King Arthur, me wiping out on every slop, the i love you notes, giving the notes to the kid, the sex tourturing device, the aurthur supply box, 69%!!!, me and Abbie screaming our lungs out in the movies and more :)

this week was awesome. Monday we had off. Thursday we had Blindness Beats Kindness Day and Friday i didnt go, so basicly i only had 2 full days of school this week. Thursday night i left for Big Boulder. we got to the house and everyone was there. Me, Dana, my mom, my dad, Danielle, Lisa, Brittany, Uncle Mike, Tom, Tina, Connor, Mike, Missy, Matt Michelle and Matty were all of the people i think who went. alot of people.. the house was a piece of crap, but we managed. i had fun. before my family got there, the house flooded and stuff like that. other things happend, me and dana played pingpong with ugly paintings, we played pool for a little bit and then watched a movie. i was gonna sleep in my room, but it was cold and loud so then the couch, and then dana got the couch so i took 2 coushins and layed on the floor and then went to danielles bed and layed there. rofl dana looked so funny when we slept i cant even explain it..... skiing was exhileratining i had a lot of fun. my favorite was Merry Widdow or w/e.

Big Boulder

it said "Mountain Laurel." get it. Mt.Laurel.. Mountian Laurel. HAH. im from Mt.Laurel


the 50 billion deer we saw on someones drive way which us New Jersey people thought was amazing and when i told Shelby she was like... cool?



my mom drove me to Montage and everyone was there. i met up with Shelby and yeah.. i gave her her present and got ready, i met Billy who was really rude and iggnortant at first but then he got nice. i met his friend Justin who is like really hott. i first went on the ski lift with Abbie and Kelly and we just talked the whole time. we went down and i wiped out like 50 times and Billy looke annoyed. it was so scary and i couldnt stop laughing and everytime i fell like Abbie Shelby and Kelly would like break into tears laughing. lol that day i learned that i SUCKKK at skiing. hahah. that night i "met" Scott and Sam agian. Scott, the kid who called me The Beast was still short but i didnt talk to him. Sam was a normal person at first (concidering the fact that we arnt the best of friends.) and then at the end he was nice to me. im glad of that. iv never met Cory before, but hes really nice and he reminds me of James Peddito. hes really funny and he laughs and talks JUST like James. its really weird. right when i saw Jon i was like "OMG ITS JON!" and i think he herd, i felt like an idiot but whatever. i got to sit with Jon on the ski lift like 3 or 4 times. i only fell once with him :) i was so proud of myself, although i really hated myself when i fell. that night i got better at stopping and that made me happy :). Alex didnt come becuse of his arm, which made me like really really mad/sad/upset, but its okay. sat morning me and Shelby had pizza for breakfast. it wasnt delivery, it was Dasharno <3 hah after that we just hung out and then finally got ready for the mall and movies. man "by accident" we invited more then 20 people. 11th graders, 10th graders, kids from Scranton, New Jersey people (meaning me, haha), 8th graders and so many other people. thank god there was only like 5 of us. rofl. we went to Hollister and i returned my ugly pants and got my money back. i got a pair of jeans that i like adore now. we walked around the mall, went to the coffee place, Abb got some coffee thing that was really nasty and then she got chocolate coverd coffee beans which were really good. we went to the movies and saw White Noise. me and Abbie were next to eachother and like screamed at every part and then i like grabbed her. it was a good movie i guess. not bad, but not that amazing. after that we got food at Wendys i think. Abbie got a Happy Meal or whatever and it had this little Aurthur thing in it. we wrote litle messages on them and gave one to some kid. he said thanks and put it in his pocket. how sweet was that. Billy left and then we did. me and Shelby started placing the extra notes all over the mall. i had a lot of fun. that night we watched a movie and talked on the phone and listned to music. today i woke up, packed, went back to bed, woke up packed the car said bye and left with my dad. we drove back to Big Boulder and picked up my mom, Lisa, Brittany and Danielle. soo... despite the fact that i didnt see Alex, i had a reaaaaaallllly good time this weekend. 8]

Shelbys House
Season One of: The Sombrero

Season Two of: The Sombrero

we had pizza for breakfast

the 2 most loudest cats in the world

mountian laurel yet agian

longest red light ever

the famous Lehigh Tunnel

You scored as Classic Rock.. Classic Rock.

Classic Rock.
Emo & More
Punk and Pop Punk.
Hip Hop and Rap
Indie Rock
Music Recommendation
created with QuizFarm.com


name: rachael
age: thirteen
birthday: march 2nd
school: harrington

eyes: blue
hair: brown
height: 5'2"
shoe size: 7 1/2
who lives with you?: mom, dad & 2 sisters
when is your bedtime?: i dont have one, but i usually go to bed around 10

have you ever...
flown on a plane?: yes
been so drunk you passed out?: no
missed school because it was raining?: no
told your crush you liked them?: yes
set a body part on fire for amusement?: no
had a crush on a friend's girlfriend/boyfriend?: yes
been hurt emotionally?: yes
kept a secret from everyone?: yes
wanted to hook up with a friend?: yes
cried during a movie?: yes
been on stage?: yes
cut your hair?: yes
had a crush on a teacher?: no

shampoo: friz-ease. john frida?
color: green and orange
time of day: evening
season: spring
lace or satin? satin
movie: not sure
drink: gatorade & arizonia ice tea
person to talk to face-to-face: hm.. dana
person to talk to on the phone: not sure
person to talk to online: alex and jon

right now
wearing: black beater, white beater, comfy pants
eating: nothing
drinking: nothing
listening to: y100

in the last 24 hours have you...
cried?: no
worn jeans?: yes
driven a car?: no
found money?: no
met somebody new?: no
done laundry?: no
talked on the phone?: no

do you believe in...
yourself?: most of the time
your friends?: yes
santa claus?: no
the tooth fairy?: no
destiny/fate?: uh..
angels?: yes
ghosts?: yes
ufos?: yes
reincarnation?: no

social life
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
do you like anyone?: yes
which friend have you known the longest?: dana
which of your friends acts the most like you?: dana
who do you hang out with the most?: dana
who do you go to for stuff?: hmm
what's the worst feeling?: boredom
do you ever wish you had a different name?: sometimes

do you...
keep a diary?: no
fold your underwear?: no
bite your fingernails?: only all of the time
like to cook?: yes
talk in your sleep?: no
set your watch a few minutes ahead?: no
wish you could live somewhere else?: sometimes
drink?: no
do drugs?: no
smoke? no
like cleaning?: yes
like rollercoasters?: yes
write in cursive or print?: print

movie you saw in theatres?: white noise
movie you rented?: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, on demand :)
movie you bought?: dazed and confused for lisa
song you listened to?: some pearl jam song
song that was stuck in your head?: come together - the beatles
song you downloaded?: cant
cd you bought?: jet and audioslave
cd you listened to?: the best of the doors
tv show you watched?: the news
person you called?: not sure
person that called you?: not sure
person you were thinking of?: nobody, really

have you ever...
cried over a guy?: yes
lied to somebody?: yes
been in a fist fight?: no
been arrested?: no
been in the paper?: no
stolen something?: yes
played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
applied to be on a reality show?: no
fallen down the stairs?: yes
fallen UP the stairs?: no
gotten locked into a public building?: no
caused a riot?: no

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