thursday. had tryouts after school, came home at 5 pm to a nice father-daughter dinner and Saved!; which i absolutely loved. and because i'm a loser, it's also what i watched, thouroughly, three more times over the weekend.
then friday morning. good friday. no school. woke up at seven, feeling incredibly refreshed with a simple extra hour & a half of sleep.
went to tryouts-again-this time to find out that i was in the group that had more of a chance for varsity. which was very pleasant. came home, showered, then went off to the cousins' house. took pictures on the way; some of which came out quite spectacular. or something. and then more at the house, while we dance to backstreet boys, nsync, and aaron carter all night long.
ewwww gross face -- i wasn't supposed to be in the shot.
so that was friday. saturday morning arrives with the cruel and unusual punishment of getting up at 4:30 am, to make the four - hour drive into New York City. lots of wonderful oppurnities for wonderful pictures along the drive (although not all came out as wonderful as expected). BUT. we get there, watch a day of robotics, i spy myself a lovely robotics boy, whom i exchanged glances and smiles with throughout the day. i liked his face. and his hair. but, alas, at the end of the day we were within 5 feet of introducing one another when BAM. he HAD to be on the winning team, and he HAD to be attacked with hugs and mauling nerds. so i never learned his name. or anything. gosh. rode home while being hit on by my brother's friend, who ended up sleeping on me for the majority of the trip. got into a fake fist fight with mike (one of my absolutely favorite people in the world), which was then interrupted by my brother being the protective saver-of-the-day that he is. slept for two hours on the way home, then collapsed on my bed within minutes of getting into the house. a long short-summary of the millions of pictures that i took:
LOLZ. robowizards.
ok so then was easter. family. traditional shit, etc.
monday comes with yet another day of tryouts. by the end of it she still doesn't know who is making varsity.
until tuesday.
most exciting day of the year.
HOW I MADE VARSITY i do not know.
but i'm so happy nonetheless.
except for the fact that i dont have my best buddy kathleen all season.
which sucks major butt x10.
nothing happens anymore.
someone please get arrested at school, in the middle of the hallway....or something.
i'm being to become excessively bored with my life.
i couldn't help it♥