Jan 23, 2006 21:39
Not many people like me.
No no - let me re-phrase that... people like me when they want something. And I don't know how, I don't have much to offer.
I had my first panic attack in 8 weeks on Friday. Then Friday night at my dad's I was in a shitty mood all night.
It was pretty fun though. Tiffany made me feel better when she pranked Josh and asked him to poop on her chest. Oh man. haha
The club was pretty fun. Saw Billy again - he likes to say mean things about me then make out with me the next night? Half those fuckers were there because of me! They didn't give out tickets this week though, so now I have all these crazy ass niggas running up to me feening for tickets and I don't have any. They haven't paid me yet either, I'm getting kind of anxious to know when that's gonna happen.
I got blonde and brown highlights and my hair trimmed up this weekend. I love it. I've been wanting highlights for a while and my mom just called me and told me they got dye for me so I popped a boner.
My dad did the sweetest thing this weekend. He could tell we were all kind of in a sad mood because we were all kind of mopping around. Me, Chelsey, and Tiffany were hiding out in the basement watching a movie under the pool table on Friday and he comes down and drops a flower in front of each of us. Then tells us to give him a hug and he tell us he loves us. It was so cute.
HOLY FUCK. So last night, Sunday, 10:30 - me and my mom had to run to Wal*Mart to get some stuff for school. And who the fuck do I see out there? TONY AND CODY! Out of the whole 15 people that decided to go Wal*Mart on Sunday night at 10:30 - I had to see them! We just drove past them in the parking lot and I looked up and saw Cody, then I looked down and threw up a little in my mouth. I didn't look at Tony but I know he knew it was me because my mom said Cody looked at him and just froze. Then they walked all fast into the store and I don't know where they went from there because they dipped by the time we left.
I'm just glad I didn't have to run into the fag face to face because then I probably would have beat him up. haha
Man I have a lot more I could write about, but I'll save it for later.
I need to go straighten my hair and read a little. Night kiddos.