I've wished so many things, and I don't know if I could wish anymore.

May 23, 2005 16:23

Me: Hey, I look all gangster now.

Mom: You look like a boy.

Oh hii Dollface: hello nilab i had fun with you yesterday.

thesmallone007: oh yea we had fun in your room.

thesmallone007: i especially liked your carpet.
Oh hii Dollface: you left some mayonaise on it.

Oh hii Dollface: GET IT. GET IT? MAYONAISE.

thesmallone007: and i liked playing with your toys.

Guys, my brother might have diabetes. I'm so scared for him. I guess it's hereditary, my dad has it and so does my grandma. I hope he doesn't though, it would really suck. See, I knew there was something going on when he would climb the counter on summer afternoons and look in the pantry for some of that sugar and eat spoonfulls.

We might get a new car since our other one is now demolished thanks to the bastard that crashed into it while my mom was driving =/

thesmallone007: im just so gosh darned chilled like that.

Dennise was with the cellphone :D

XWiltedxXxRoseX: camiiilllle i need a boyfriend

Oh hii Dollface: haha me too

XWiltedxXxRose: but i neeeeed one

Oh hii Dollface: if you had a penis, i would date you.


And of course, what would a journal entry be without that one whore, Nilab.

OH hii Dollface: did george call it quits, because if he did, i'll cut off his penis before chaining him to a wall and then i'll wave that six inch bitch in front of his sorry ass.

thesmallone007: well, i guess being with georgy is like being in an orgy.

thesmallone007: it's like ecstacyyy 24/7.

LMWTA6P = pure genius.

HAHA IDIOT; but wait. there's more.

thesmallone007: imma lay off the cussing.

Oh hii Dollface: psh, nilab... not cuss?

thesmallone005: really!

Oh hii Dollface: that's like saying: "camille, don't be cute."

Oh hii Dollface: see, that's impossible.
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