A few more poems...geesh im on a roll

Dec 08, 2004 20:02

I float along the surface, Im afraid of the depths.
A shallow, superficial girl, no better than the rest.
The mysteries of life, I dont investigate, I prefer the
Worldly things, the ones i penetrate. Why do I have such
Worthless stuff? It has no lasting value. My friends dont
Know who I am, and I dont know them either. Why do we keep
Up this facade? Lets raise the curtains now. Our openess
Wont last for long. The curtains will soon fall. Things
will be the same again, in our superficial world.
Our mindless lives will just go on, completely
without purpose. Do you wonder how it'd be, if the
Truth were just so obvious, How different our world
would be if we looked below the surface.

Anger of a river
Though loyal is a river,
Dont give it cause to anger.
Dont send the rain down too hard
Or the banks will just flood over.
Relentlessly overflowing,
It will not stop til its
Had its say.
Dont quecnch it with your manmade
Devices.It must proclaim its way,
All that has affronted it, is
Wiped out by its rage. Let
The river vent and scream,
Otherwise it will come back
Until its message has been
Passed. Heed the river,
Tend to it, Sit by it
Each day, or it will swell
With hurt, it shall seek

*note i wuz ever so slightly pissed off when i wrote the poems this statement is in between

My emotions are a steaming cauldron,
They're always making a mess,
And like a spell gone awry,
Their consequences always haunt me.
I scream in hatred, burst into
Tears, I hate my horrid emotions,
I wish they would die, and no longer
I'd cry, but this wish will
Not be granted. so until the
Day, Im normal again, I'll
Just have to learn how to handle
Them. What a curse they are,
A burden to bear,
I hate being so damn moody!

*brief intermission "You can all go out and smoke now. Well...those that smoke."

The wanderer
The moon guides me through the night,
The sun through the day. A hunted man
In hiding, I travel at a steady pace,
I leave no sign that they can trace.
Never shall they find me, my tale
Shall just go on, weary traveler that
I am, my tale shall just go on.
Only when I stop to rest, just a spell,
To catch my breath, off again than evermore,
Till I reach the other shore, wanderings
A hard life, without much satisfaction,
Just so long as I'm safe tonight, my
Heart's single redemption. Even though
My road is long, and my burden heavy,
I shall journey ever on, till i reach
The end at last, and my sore life is over.

*This phrase is in between two pirate/ wanderer poems ;)

Murderous maiden
The islands call to me.
I seek the seven seas.
I'll be a sailor yet again,
When the boats come in.
I set asail for wealth and plunder,
For my life's already gone.
Pirates killed my sailing lad,
He was all I ever had.
I sail again for him I love,
I'll plunder for his fame.
And when I'm caught and sent
To die, I'll perish in his name.
For when he died, i went with him,
My life's not been the same,
Only when I'm in my grave, shall
I see him again.

Well...thatz all folks. u can all go home now
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