Mar 26, 2007 20:20
So...I'm pretty concerned about the lack of direction I've got. I have an amazing ability to dive right into something mediocre and make into the shittiest situation. Like with college: I'm fucked. College is fucked. I have no ambition. No drive to intergrate myself. Not one part of me really cares about the future. Am I supposed to plan for something I don't give a shit about? I need to find an alternative. I need to clear my mind.
I need a lot of alone time. Without any weed or cigarettes. NOTHING.
Too bad I have a job, school, and family.
It's funny how things change though. In the blink of an eye everything is different, and all the flak and debris raining down doesn't make one difference. All because I decided so. But when will it switch again? I try not to think about that. Because really, nothing is ever the same. Except what's inside the proverbial heart.