L is for the way you...

May 25, 2009 22:06

so this weekend was perfect. i got to spend time with steve, and we even got to sleep together! not in the house of course, in a tent, but still it was amazing. most sleep ive gotten all week. its terrible when i cant sleep without him :( maybe someday mom will let him sleep in my bed with me. that would be perfect<3

so we went "camping". in my back yard. because we hiked to the top of this mountain only to be told we couldnt camp there. but it was a good workout. and we got air mattresses at home anyway, so it was even better :)

i cant even tell you how much i love this boy. is that creepy? i hope not. just thinking about him makes me smile like crazy. i cant imagine ever being with anyone else. i just want to be with him all the time. never be away from him. i feel clingy, but when im not with him im thinking about him. he just makes me so happy. my asked me if we were "serious" i didnt want to tell her. but is she really that oblivious? he comes down so much to see me. were still together over the summer. i tell him i LOVE him in front of her. i cant tell her that i love him and want to be with him for the rest of my life. to get married and have kids and grow old. every night i sleep next to him i cant help but thinking i want to sleep next to him every night for the rest of my life. forever and ever. i want to rub his back when hes tired. and take care of him when hes sick. and hold his hand when things get tough. and i know we fight a lot. and that scares me a little, because i dont want to end up like my parents. i want to be still kissing eachother when we get that old. to kiss him everyday before i go to sleep. and when i wake up. and tell him i love him everyday. EVERY day. i dont want him to ever doubt that.
and i cant wait to get married. and i know thats weird, a little scary, and completely unlike me, but i cant. i cant wait to be like "youre mine. forever. and im yours" so that he never doubts how much i love him, which were both insecure about.

its not fair he lives so far away :(
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