Apr 10, 2004 23:57
its disgusts me when i think about our society and how they think we should look. i have really been contemplating it lately and its absolutely revolting. i no that i sound fifty but this is my belief.i seem to find that we only except certain types of beauties. i dont like when gorgeous girls(im talking bout friends)...call themselves ugly. just because they dont have the perfect nose or big enough boobs, or are to skinny or to fat, or to short or to tall. i blame the society we live in. its not human nature . if u go to iraq, people are just thankful to be alive , it doesn't matter to them if they look good in a bathingsuit or not. im not confident with the way i look ,but i except it because its who i am,the way you look reflects your culture and your family , you should be proud of it . i wish people would stop thinking bout how nice there butts fit in there $200 jeans. im sick of hearing people being made fun of because they are not pretty looking enough. we are based souly on our looks, i want every1 to be equal and be based on what they believe in.
to any1 that feels insecure:
be thankful to be alive,when u r saying to a friend im so fat, im to short, isnt this shirt cute,etc. think bout other people in the world, the people that are dying every day, that r thankful for living no matter whut they measure up to on the scale, no matter how big your nose is.
Our society is shallow.I blame the parents for our insecurities.they taught us to think this way.
ok im done.